From Collection to Cash:

How C&D Scrap Metal values your scrap

At C&D Scrap Metal, we turn your old metal into cash while helping the environment through responsible recycling. Our process makes sure you get the best price by using the latest technology and high standards. From the moment you bring in your materials, our team is focused on giving you accurate assessments and clear pricing. Whether you’re recycling copper wires, aluminum cans, or electronic waste, we handle each item with care to ensure you get the best service and value.

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How Pricing Works

Scrap metal prices change often, influenced by things like the economy, supply and demand, and global events. Prices can change daily or even multiple times a day. When you bring your scrap to C&D Scrap Metal, we carefully process and sort everything to make sure you get the best price. For example, a washing machine contains steel, copper wiring, and sometimes aluminum, which all need to be separated and evaluated individually to maximize its value.

We handle materials multiple times before they're turned into new products, ensuring accuracy and honesty in our pricing. Our well-maintained scales and up-to-date market rates mean you always get a fair deal. We focus on safety and great service, building long-term partnerships that support recycling and the environment.

Factors That Affect Pricing

Internal Factors

The quality and purity of scrap metal affect its price. Here are some key factors:

  • Grade: Higher-grade metals are purer and worth more.
  • Type: Different metals have different values. For example, copper is worth more than steel.
  • Clean vs. Dirty: Clean metal has no attachments like rubber or concrete and is worth more. Dirty metal, with attachments or contamination, is worth less. Avoid toxic chemicals and corrosion to keep metal clean.

External Factors

Like the stock market, scrap metal prices can change quickly due to market conditions. Important external factors include:

  • International Markets: Global demand and supply can cause prices to rise or fall.
  • Industry Demand: When industries need more metal, prices go up.
  • Location: Prices can vary depending on where you are because of transportation costs and local demand.
  • Cost of Virgin Metals: If new (virgin) metals cost more, scrap metal prices might increase too.
  • Energy Costs: Higher energy costs can drive up the price of processing metal, which affects scrap prices.

How To Get More For Your Scrap Metal

Maximize your returns by separating your metals and cleaning them of any non-metal materials. Properly sorting and preparing your scrap can significantly increase its value. Additionally, staying informed about market trends can help you time your sales for the best prices. At C&D Scrap Metal, we're always ready to provide expert advice to help you get the most out of your scrap.

Scrapping accepted items contributes to a sustainable recycling process with C&D Scrap Metal as your partner. For a detailed list of accepted materials, please refer to our materials list page. Any questions? Contact us.

Request a Quote

The price of scrap metal materials changes frequently — contact C&D for a fast and accurate quote. At C&D, we value honesty, trust, and giving you the best prices. We keep our scales accurate and our prices up-to-date with market rates. By providing top-notch service and being transparent, we build long-term relationships that help support recycling and the environment